Precision Flush


This series of Smart Toilet Australia toilets are totally cisternless. They all have a powerful triple-action, cyclone flush which comes directly from the mains cold water supply.

Our new STA 783 and STA 768/H take this technology to a much higher level.  It has a specialised Precision Flush program. Whether the seat is up or down, whether the user is female or male, this very smart toilet can always determine, adjust and deliver the most appropriate flush volume. This is automatically recalculated with every new usage cycle.

No other smart toilet in Australia has this level of flush sophistication.

Based upon an average family unit of two adults and two children, this Precision Flush system will deliver an annual water saving of ≈3500L, over older style flush control units.


  • Correct flush volume for every cycle
  • Full flush delivered only when it is needed
  • Water usage is less
  • Sewerage volume is less