Smart Toilet Australia Bidet Seats are tough

Our STA 171 & 172 are tough.

Our STA 171 & 172 are tough. They share the same internal mechanism. Shape of the front seat area is the only real difference between both models. STA 171 shape is more suited to older ceramic bases. STA 172 is better suited to the more modern ‘D’ shaped toilets.
Both bidet seats have a two speed dryer fan system. This provides greater fan drying comfort. The user can switch between ‘High’ and ‘Medium’ fan speeds by simply pressing the DRY icon on the remote control. Uncomfortable hot spots on sensitive areas can easily be mitigated.
Similarly, our STA 171 and172 have a two step ECO mode system. In cold winter times, the Bidet seat can be in ECO 1 mode which will keep the seat temperatue to a more enjoyable 25°C. In warmer months, the Bidet Seats can be in ECO 2 mode. Power usage in this mode is just 3.7watts.



Link below to Bidet Seats page